Portrait by Francesco Banci
I was born in Florence (Italy) in 1985. I’m a Professor of Photography and I work for LABA (Libera Accademia di Belle Arti), in Firenze. I have a BA in Visual Art, an MA in Photography and I specialized in Critical Theory and I conduct portfolio reviews on request.
Then, I enrolled in a second MA in History of Art at Alma Mater Studiorum in Bologna and I’m know writing my thesis in Semiotics of Art with Professors L.Corrain and F. Marsciani.
I'm a photographer and my works are my attempts to reconnect with my darkest parts, the ones are worth to live for.However, some parts are still secrets: these are the blind spots you have to fill up.
I'm open to collaboration with artists who need a critique for their work, magazines and books. I'm also open to commercial photography: weddings, beauty, portraits, events, etc.etc. Feel free to contact me for any inquiries about my activities or for a quote.
I’m also a proud member of SEDICI, group of free-lance photographers, visual arts experts, editors and curators. The association aims to create and promote cultural events in order to expand the knowledge of photography through exchange of views, workshop, debates.
exhibitions, curatorships and awards
THE ERA OF THE POST: OF MEDIA AND ANALYTICAL MACHINES, BROKEN HEARTS AND INDEXES”, an essay on contemporary photography published by Urbanautica. More info: https://cutt.ly/2hn3GoH
“Familiar Stranger - Immaginari collettivi nell'epoca della fotografia mobile”, selected for collective exhibition curated by PH-museum, held at Spazio Labo’ in Bologna and published on Familiar Stranger / Our First Book On Mobile Photography | https://phmuseum.com/photobooks/phmuseum-familiar-stranger-photobook
“ALEPH - Parte I”, pubished on Click Magazine (november) | http://www.click-magazine.it/n-67-novembre-2019/
“Les Vagabondes”, selected and published by Urbanautica for project “NATURAE” | https://www.facebook.com/urbanautica/photos/a.88141051009/10155709597451010
"MIRACULUM | pareidolia del pane quotidiano by Serena Gallorini, at LATO GALLERY, PRATO [curatorship]
FUNZILLA FEST: 20-22/09 selected for this event dedicated to photozines
ULTRA | WHERE LOVE IS ILLEGAL: curatorship and editor for this event held and organized by SEDICI
SCAMBI | Diventare altro 6-12/12 Tethys Gallery (FIRENZE) [curatorship]
FUNZILLA FEST: 21-23/09 selected with HERBARIUM RECORDATIONIS for this event dedicated to photozines
“ALEPH - Parte I”, my first selfpublished zine
GUARDALO 31/08-02/09 Group Exhibition - Consorzio Santa Trinita (PRATO) with the series JULY
ULTRA | cronache inaudite 20/07 (PRATO): curatorship and editor for this event held and organized by SEDICI
STORIA DELLA FOTOGRAFIA: LA RICERCA JUNIOR IN ITALIA - A CURA DI T. SERENA, A. FRONGIA, 29/11, invited to this national seminar after a selection and made a speech about my latest research about Death and Photography.
BANDO “S’ILLUMINA” / PERIFERIE URBANE : together with SEDICI and the .con network, with the partnership of the Municipality of Prato [award]
CDPZINE Contest - Special Mention with the series “STONE”. CDPZINE Contest is part of the Castelnuovo Fotografia Fest (Rome) [award]
“My Favorite Family Member” contest USA 2014 | Winner of the “Family Member” with the work “Of love and loss” [award]
Selected by Webgazine Clic.hé for their web Gallery 14. Focus: Nude Photography Link: http://www.clic-‐he.it/?p=5735, 2014
Prato ARTXMAS – scopri i talenti pratesi” | 2014, Prato Group Exhibition
Arezzo e Fotografia | AREZZO - 2011 Group Exhibition
LuccAutori, Scrittori e Artisti d’Italia LUCCA - 2011 Group Exhibition
CITERNA FOTOGRAFIA | CITERNA - 2010 Group Exhibition
Tzimtzum | photobook | selfpublishing - curated by Luca Panaro from Chippendale studio
THE ERA OF THE POST: OF MEDIA AND ANALYTICAL MACHINES, BROKEN HEARTS AND INDEXES”, an essay on contemporary photography published by Urbanautica. More info: https://cutt.ly/2hn3GoH
“Les Vagabondes”, selected and published by Urbanautica for project “NATURAE”
ALEPH - Parte I”, published on Click Magazine (november) | http://www.click-magazine.it/n-67-novembre-2019/
“ALEPH - Parte I”, my first self-published zine
2018: critical essay editor for the exhibtion SCAMBI
2014-2014: editor for www.espoarte.net
2016 - present: critical essay editor for SEDICI
Il Silenzio dell’Anima, testo critico per il lavoro fotografico di Riccardo Svelto [2016]
Oneiros, testo critico per il lavoro / libro fotografico “Dreaming of Japan” di Sharon Formichella [2016]
Espoarte N.88 (trimestre n.2), Omaggio a MARIA LAI | Leggera come una farfalla, profonda come un abisso: una jana di nome Maria [2015]
Specchi imperscrutabili, testo critico per libro fotografico di Riccardo Svelto febbraio [2015]
SEITIES, canadian magazine committed to fine-art and analogue photography, SPRING/ SUMMER edition
Dialoghi muti, testo critico per il libro fotografico di Jacopo Nocentini “Le due Alpi” febbraio 2014
L’AQUILA RIFLESSA, edito da L’Impronta, L’Aquila, 2012, as retoucher
PROGRESSO FOTOGRAFICO, SERIE ORO, Black and White issue, 2012, as retoucher
AREZZO E FOTOGRAFIA, catalogue, 2011
FOTO-IT Organo Ufficiale FIAF, II Biennale dei Giovani Fotografi, novembre 2010, p.18
Riflessioni n.18, Biennale dei Giovani Fotografi, September 2010, Fiaf, Torino, pp.32-34
Citerna Fotografia 2010, Festival Fotografico dell’Alta Valle Tiberina, Petruzzi Editore, 2010, p.53